Introduction to Hypnosis


What is Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a very simple and natural state of relaxation, where the mind and body are relaxed at the same time and you enter into a state of deep relaxation. It is perfectly safe, you will be able to listen to and remember everything that takes place in the session and almost anybody can enter in to hypnosis easily, if they want to. However please don’t worry if you don’t “feel” hypnotised, there’s no such thing as a hypnotised feeling. 

What does it feel like…

As I said there is no such feeling as a “hypnotised” feeling, everybody experiences is differently. For some, it just feels like you have your eyes closed and are listening to my voice, for others there is a pleasant feeling of either floating or feeling heavy with relaxation. 

How does it help…

Hypnosis just relaxes the mind so you can take in what I’m saying at a much deeper level than you normally would be able to. It also assists therapy by allowing you to leave your daily life behind and focus only upon the session, thus bringing therapy to a more rapid conclusion 

Our Pricing

Initial Phone Consultation - Free.

A 20 minute chat to introduce ourselves and talk through the issues that you are experiencing. 

In some cases, Hypnotherapy may not be suitable for you and so we will use this session to discuss if it is right to move forward

Initial consultation & first treatment £110

Our first session will last around an hour and a half, and will include a deeper conversation around the issues that you are experiencing, creating a treatment plan, and your first session. 

It is important that we have a thorough
understanding of your issue before we begin therapy, and therefore this consultation is crucial to providing the right solution for you. 

Regular Session £80

The number of sessions that you will require will vary based upon the issue that you are experiencing, but around three sessions is average for most issues.