OUr Treatments

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety are experienced by many people at different times in their lives. Everyone gets anxious from time to time and this is perfectly normal. It’s when anxiety increases in intensity and frequency, becoming overwhelming and chronic, that something needs to be done about it.

Fortunately, Hypnotherapy is a remarkably effective treatment for panic attacks and anxiety. Whether you are suffering from extreme anxiety without obvious cause, or mild panic attacks in specific situations; hypnotherapy can help!

Weight Loss

Perhaps you're looking to shift just a few extra pounds? Or cut down on those naughty but nice snacks? Perhaps their are deeper reasons for your weight gain and you're looking to get directly to the root cause of the issue? Then these sessions could be for you! These specially designed sessions are tailored to you as an individual and generally last between 1 to 6 sessions.

During these sessions, using a combinations of  NLP techniques, hypnoanalysis, hypnosis and suggestion therapy we will enable you to move on from unhelpful thought patterns. These sessions will also provide you with a greater sense of self - it will boost self-confidence, willpower and self-esteem. It will help you build on your self-belief, you will become more consciously aware of what and when you are eating, enabling you to become more in control.

You will have greater motivation for exercise and you will have a strong visual image of yourself as a more confident, slimmer you, who is in control of their eating which changes the way you think and consequently changes the way you feel, enabling you to lose and maintain your weight loss.


Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two. Some of us get nervous at the thought of needles, heights, clowns, masks or flying. Others scream at the first sight of a spider or snake. For most people, these fears are minor. But for some, these fears are so severe that they cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with normal day-to-day life. They can erode quality of life and even endanger us.

If you are suffering from a fear or phobia, whether it's the fear of flying, spiders, the dentist, driving, mask's ,public speaking or any other fear or phobia,hypnotherapy can successfully remove your phobia once and for all, letting you lead your life with out the anxiety you are currently experiencing.  


Most of us, at some point in our lives have probably formed an unwanted habit or behaviour. Nail biting, tics, stammering, blushing and thumb sucking are just a few of the many unwanted habits that I often see clients for. The good news is that these habits can be very easy to treat and can often be removed in as little as 1 - 3 sessions.

Stop Smoking

If you’re looking to stop smoking, the Hypnobarn Hypnotherapy method is a unique and incredibly powerful approach to creating that change in just one session. With motivation and a genuine desire to quit smoking, kicking the habbit really doesnt have to be difficult. In fact it's really quite easy!!!!!

Goal Achievement & Motivation

Hypnotherapy can give us the motivation and determination to achieve goals that we may usually struggle with.

Clear goals can give us direction in life, give us purpose and help us develop as people. Without goals we can drift and become stressed and unhappy or over whelmed with different choices and ideas. We can be full of ideas with out completing any of them.

Other Treatments

Hypnotherapy can help with many other problems, like sleep issues, bereavement, pain management, addictions, sports performance.... Whatever the problem is the chances are hypnotherapy can help in some way.

Treatments are always bespoke to the individual person, so whether it's simply some much needed relaxation, overcoming a fear of flying or helping you deal with mental health challenges. Hypnotherapy is a real solution, contact me with any questions however silly you think they are, and find help today.